Sunday, February 23, 2014

The difference two can make

Week 16 here at Thurman Manor. I am actually calling myself that since I house 2 family members plus myself. I am hoping that these days I just don't look like I feel. Yep, still puking. Although I had a hiatus.
I wanted to document the differences between a single pregnancy and twins for a second:
1. Stuffy nose. With one child, I was forever stuffy, hard to breathe, just needed air. With two children, I sneeze 20 times a day, my nose burns, I have frequent nosebleeds and when I blow my nose, it looks as if someone was murdered. (gross I know, but I'm documenting!)
2. Headaches. With one child, I had occasional headaches. I thought they were pretty severe at the time. With two, I have 3-4 headaches a day. I've learned to just live with it, taking Tylenol when I can. Oh how I miss Ibuprofen.
3. Sleeping. Depends on the day at this point. Early on I would wake up at 3a.m. and never go back to sleep. Right now, I can sleep through the night if I don't get woken up. If I do, you can kiss sleep goodbye. Positions at 16 weeks are starting to get uncomfortable. Sleeping on my back is getting harder as my 4.5 inch babes sit on my bladder at night. They also have some weight on each side so I'm turning like a rotisserie chicken most nights.
4. Winded. I don't remember how winded I got with one, but with two, I can make it up to step 10 out of 13 at my house. At that point, I sometimes need a break. Already I'm dreading the months to come and the awful realization that I forgot something upstairs.
5. Memory. Its pretty much gone already. So sad. I have a standard excuse...I have two babies sucking out my brain cells this time. All I can do is apologize and move on.

I'm feeling anxious at this point because I have not heard or seen my children in about 2.5 months. The doc puts a microphone on my belly and finds one heartbeat...and that's good enough for him. I'm wondering if the kid on the left knows they're getting left out. I'm also wondering if the kid on the left is still there! Looking forward to week 19 when I get to physically see them once more. Funny how spoiled we get with technology. My grandmother tells me how they didn't know much of anything until the baby came out.

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