Sunday, May 26, 2019

Alex draws mommy

I need to immortalize this picture. I want to embarrass my son with it when he gets older and I need to make record of it because it was absolutely hilarious to receive. This is a picture that Alex drew in school. When I picked him up he was so excited to show it to me. He said, Mommy I drew you and your boobs! I asked him why?! His answer was, because you're so pretty. Note that my boobs are right under my eyes and that my smile is underneath them. Clearly he doesn't have the anatomy correct so I'm not too worried at this point. And I promise I don't walk around nude. It really did make me laugh out loud for a really long time. I'm not even going to ask with the scribble at the bottom of the circle is. I'm just going to stick with the fact that he thinks I'm pretty!

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