Saturday, June 29, 2019

Summer summer summertime

Summer is in full swing. Addison has jusy finished camp number 2 and the boys.. Just a month before their birthday... Have learned to swim! Without any prompting or lessons, Alex lead the way as a first born should and out of the blue said "look mommy". Now he's a fish. The best part was him encouraging his brother.
"Come on Will, you can do it! Mommy won't let you go!"
And so began the thr end of my relaxing summer by the pool. Now I am the receiver and the jump off point for two young and inexperienced yet eager little swimmers. Sigh.
Just a recap since the end of the year got too hectic to breathe. Alex lost his two bottom teeth. One he pulled at school and the other was graciously kicked out by William. Brothers...smh.
Addison ended the year with all a's and one B. A stellar performance and best report card this far while at Walker. On to 5th grade. She has a really good friend now Samara. I'm so glad she has someone. Finally.
Alex and will tested for Walker but only Alex got in. So next year will be interesting as we split the boys up for the fist time in their life. Will is going to Garrett and Alex will be going to Walker with Addison. Will Is just as smart if not smarter, he's just spaced out so much and doesn't follow directions well. Hopefully that will get better with time.
Michael has decided to run for District 1 in May of 2020 and I'd just like to take that part of the year off please. Campaigning is hard on all parties involved.