Thursday, September 24, 2015

It's about time

My sweet William. Such a lover. Such a snuggler. Always smiling. He has an amazingly sweet spirit.
And he is finally trying to walk. Fourteen months old and I think he is trying to catch up to the gang. Everyone else is walking around and he's still on the ground.
My clever little Alex is so curious and adventurous that I get really worried about how to keep him safe. He falls so much and his poor head seems covered in bruises all the time from the floor, door jams, chairs, etc. He's really getting good at walking...until he's not. Today he decided to stand in the rocking chair. Why!? Just sit in the dang thing. He likes to stress me out..that sneaky little grin in tact.
These boys are such amazing little creatures. I love them so much.

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