Sunday, May 26, 2019

Is your name in the book

A few Sundays ago it was just the kids and I so I decided it was high time they started going to big church. "Big" church refers to the adult service. We've always called it that. They will be going into kindergarten next year. They should be able to sit still for a while. Should.
Luckily our church knows how hard it is for kids to sit still and provides a bag full of puzzles and crayons fore each child that one can pick up on the way int service. My 10 year old found a sewing toy that was way below her grade level. However it entertained her for quite some time. Alex colored the pictures and traced through the mazes. William....wanted nothing to do with the bag of goodies. Instead he picked up the Bible from the rack in front of us. He "read" it upside down at first. Then I gently turned it the right way.
I turned my attention back to the service only to be interrupted by a loud whisper.
"Mom!" it was Will.
I looked over and mouthed for him to shush.
He continued... "Mom! It's my name!"
Sure enough... He had found his name in the Bible.
"They will.... He will... God will..."
His name was all over the place throughout the entire book. He was so excited!
It made me ponder about another book... The Book of Life.  How many of us will be looking for our name there and be overcome with excitement to see it? How many will never appear?

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