Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Pee Pee Princess

Obviously January has been a busy month...or I had nothing praiseworthy to report. Whatever the case, we have hit a major milestone today that must be shouted from rooftop: We have pee peed in the potty all day!.
Potty training with Addison has been nothing short of a battle of wills. She has been winning. But I have to attribute today's success to my husband's brilliant idea...the Pee Pee Princess dress.
Over the last year, we have offered many things to encourage Addison to use the potty. M&Ms, stickers, chocolate, skittles, toys, the name it. We've tried the stern way, we've begged, we've attempted to bribe. Nothing has worked...until today.
Addison has a favorite dress. She calls it her Princess. On a daily basis I hear, "Mommy, I want to wear my Princess." She wants to wear it from the time she wakes up....till the time she wakes up.: Nap time, bedtime, anytime, all the time. Dr. Seuss should have written a book about this dress.
Today, I fully appreciated the presence and participation of Co-parenting. Michael brilliantly thought to make the wearing of this dress her reward for pottying and VOILA! like magic the child has used the potty four times today with only one minor accident because we were stuck in a car too long. That is such an accomplishment from 24/7 pull-ups the day before.
Hopefully this will be her turning point and we will join the ranks of the pull-up-less generation!

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