Thursday, July 12, 2012


The chatterbox stage is proving to be both annoying and amusing. I still wish that some days I could change my name after the 100th time of Addison calling me...for no particular reason. I guess she just likes to know I'm there? Three has brought about a sense of her being older than she is. She's resorted to calling me "Mom" and Michael, "Dad." Now if I remember correctly, I was well into my tween years before I  called my mom and dad exactly that. However, my child has skipped all those years and thrown out the baby version for the teen version. Time marches on.
On the flip side, some of the sayings that come out of her mouth are hilarious and immediately send me into a state of laughing with my head thrown back and my mouth wide open.
Addison is in dance camp this week. Each day, we try and find out what she did that day. Yesterday she had a special treat when Grandma came to pick her up. When asked where she slept at Grandma's house for her nap, she answered that she was laying down.  Well yes, I guess that is an appropriate concern for a toddler..LOL. She also told us that at camp, she was a star and immediately did a full circle spin. But the funniest for me, was when I asked her what they ate that day. "We had pizza! It was delicious!"
She's picking up words all the time and throwing them in sentences that send me to the floor. Along with her growing skill at the dramatic, I am sure that I'm in for some doozies when it comes to conversations with Addison.

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