Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mention the word

I've noticed a curious occurrence lately. It happens in everyday meetings involving everyday people. The cashier, the waitress, the lady at the water department. It doesn't matter their color or social status, all you have to do is mention the word "twins." It is the biggest ice breaker I have ever experienced. It takes someone who is trudging through their mundane world or their obligatory job and suddenly turns them into a kind, thoughtful, interesting person who sees you as more than their next task. I started noticing this change early on, but the more I show, the more I experience it. It opens this window. I guess the twin anomaly is very foreign to some, yet a commonality with others. Either way, the morphing mid-conversation is really enlightening to watch. Because of this phenomenon, I have met so many really nice people that I would have never thought kindly of before. I am looking forward to my boys sparking more conversations and connections over the years so that the kindness of people can really shine through, where I never thought it existed.

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