Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What is crazy?

What is crazy? Around here they are so many things that I can classify that way.  The fact that my daughter's clothes no longer fit on the little hangers.  She is six... That's just crazy! Where did my baby girl go? She's long and lean and lanky. Almost all traces of baby are gone from her body.  She's got the attitude of a 16 year old and the drama to boot.  Lord help us as she gets older.  She's reading and writing sentences.  And when she's not trying to smother them with love or jealousy,  she's a great help with her brothers.  Although I did recently get the question.. "Mom,  can I be the only kid again?"  no my dear.. Never again.  But hopefully you'll be glad as I am to have a sibling one day.
Alex is still my little Olympian. He can roll and scoot and twist all over the room.  He is still so content and turning out to be my best eater so far.  We are on occasional cereal.  Not that his two teeth on the bottom come in handy yet,  but they sure are cute.  He's in a solid 6 month outfit which matches his age. Oh.. And he's finally getting hair!
William is still my technically curious kid.  He wants to hold and examine all things.  It's amazing to watch his little gears turn as he learns to make things go where he wants. He is actually sitting up.  It doesn't last long but he can sit unassisted for a minute or two.  If both my babe's were combined I'd be in trouble already.. Scooting and sitting up! Luckily they each have their own skillset at this point.
I have gone back to work about 20 hrs a week since the boys are in MDO.  It's slightly stressful but also enjoyable.  It's nice to speak to adults for a while.  Since I'm a slacker on the formal 6 month pics..ill just show some of the cute ones taken recently.
Oh,  and happy 12 years to Michael and I!

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