Monday, November 13, 2017

Will -I-Am

If there ever was a toddler heart throb, William is it. Its no exaggeration that he tells me 30 times a day that he loves me. He tells others as well, but mommy is the queen of being loved. I'm just fine with that. He is a lover of animals and the best "smiler" of all time. A smile that will melt you and cause an entire room to "Awww" in unison. Those baby blues and pale complexion paired with a dashing head full of dark hair. It's the perfect recipe for a heart throb. I actually can't think of many things better than little arms hugging my neck. He is as affectionate as I use to be before I realized the world was cold, cruel and selfish. I worry about his little broken heart one day and the mean girls who will try and take advantage of him. 
William's accomplishments come at a slower pace than his brother. He can imitate speech, but he has a hard time coming up with it on his own, except for the phrase, "I love you." Along with delayed speech is delayed understanding and yes, potty training. Because of the rule that you have to be potty trained for the 3k class at school, William, just last Thursday, got kicked out of school. Now this is the the same school that he has attended since he was 3 months old. The same school that his sister went to for her entire babyhood as well. This school, with a new director, told me my baby was a health hazard. 
To say I have never felt the rage that I felt when told that is an understatement. Penetrating rage that can only be compared to the basic animalistic instinct to protect your young. As I am trying my hardest to not lose my cool and understand that rules must be followed, I want so much to have some sort of justice for my sweet boy. My little guy who just loves all the time. My baby who is still a baby just a little longer than others and he can't help it. He's been ostracized from even his Thanksgiving program and for that I'm livid. Does he notice? Doubtful. Will he enjoy being the center of attention each morning? Probably. However, I send my children to school because I'm not a teacher. I send my children so they can learn to socialize and experience songs and games I'd never think of by people who specialize in that. It's about opportunity to learn. An opportunity that has been taken from him because he poops sometimes between 9 a.m and 1 p.m. once a week.

My little guy will learn what he needs to in his time. Until then, I count it as a few more months that I have to snuggle with the best snuggler around. To laugh with the best giggler with a laugh so genuine that he is the ringtone on my phone. He makes me very happy. 

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