Sunday, October 21, 2018

The whole twin gang

It was chaos and it was fun. It was loud and overwhelming and yet precious. To get to see my niece and nephew and watch my boys play so well with them was beautiful. It seems to always be that dream that your kids and your siblings kids will bond and know that sense of family that we all desire. My hope is that Easton and Everly will always be glad to see my kids coming. That they will be as happy to get the gifts we bring as they were the Tonka light up shoes and the princess dress. It may not always be the raw joy I watched this time as Everly was beside herself at the prospect of playmates, but I hope it's always something. Even now, 2 weeks later, the boys ask if we are going to Aunt Sandra's house (sorry Chad, it's not your house.. Lol) 
There is also going to be a day when I can sit and laugh and talk to my sister without littles needing something or interrupting. #goals

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