Monday, December 23, 2019

RIP Dakota

To the man who hit my dog tonight.. It wasn't your fault. You're a complete ass hole because you didn't take the time to stop to even check on us... But it wasn't your fault. To the person who patiently stopped with their headlights on us while I wept and Michael moved the dog out of the street... Thank you for a moment of humanity and grace. You were probably heading home from work. To the lady I heard yelling at the daycare across the street..i know I was loud... I know my 5 year old son was bellowing a blood curdling scream, but we were all struck with horror and in an instant we had no control over our reactions. I hope we didn't scare the children. And to my other son who Dakota ran past as he opened the door.... Its not your fault that our headstrong dog had a primal need to run away today. After 8 years of having him he was finally the dog we always wanted. He was calm and obedient (except for today) . He talked to me in his own little way. In the past few weeks he was becoming an office dog and eagerly looked forward to that car ride to the office a block away. What made you run? Why wouldn't you listen? I screamed for you to stop. I saw the hit and I saw you roll under the truck tire. I knew as I saw you writhing for the few final seconds of your life that there was no coming back from this. I'm sorry that I didn't train you better... I'm sorry I didn't run faster. I'm sorry you're gone. You were a really really great dog and my heart is broken. 

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