Wednesday, February 26, 2020

behind the scenes

You want to know where the magic happens? Not in front of the audience.. Behind the scenes. You want to know where a campaign happens? Same place. If you ever want to be completely depleted of all energy and time and resources... Run for an office.. any office. If you put anything into what a campaign requires, you will find yourself completely drained. But not only you.. Your entire family. Last week the kids didn't lay eyes on their dad until Thursday night. Dinner? What is dinner? We have meals in the car. We have meals in restaurants.. Kinda. We have cereal for dinner and frozen chicken nuggets 3x a week. Is that dinner? It has to be. We want our kids ro be well rounded so we sign them up for karate. But who has time to take them? If the person is really running for office all those responsibilities are deferred to the spouse. If the campaign manager quits then the event planning falls to the spouse. If the printers aren't getting your vibes for material like you want... It falls to your spouse to fix it. Then add in sick children with fevers. Homework. Projects. Speeches. Items that start with the freaking letter K. It All falls to the spouse. The spouse barely has time to grab lunch most days. She has to rely on hired help to keep the house going... The laundry clean... The dishes from piling up. But wait.... The campaign website needs pictures and maps and updates. And guess who is the only person who can properly do that... The spouse. You think running for a position that pays $16000  year is Sacrifice? YOU have no idea the sacrifice that goes into the entire process until you've lived it.
I'd stay and chat but someone just puked and mom has to clean it up. I'd love to elaborate but someone needs to dress like a man for a school presentation. Isn't it good that I got this. All of this. 

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