Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Phineas and Ferb

In the spirit of Halloween/Covid style, I made the boys costumes with full facial masks.
Seriously though, Alex told me what we were going to be this year. I had almost given up hope. It wasn't the hardest to put together but it was the most unknown we've done so far. Unless you were about 22 or younger or have children that are 5 to 13, you just wouldn't know who we were. It was fun though to see the kids who "got it" after staring at us for a little while. 

Actual Halloween never looks the same as family dress up day. On actual Halloween, everyone gets to pick their own costume. Yes, this means mommy has to supply 2 costumes a year per child....but I love it so its fun. This year William was a full-fledged cowboy with a gun, holster, rope, badge and horse. Alex remained Phineas..just wihout Ferb. 


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