Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mean World

Have you been to the gas station lately? I did yesterday. I remember when gas was 80 cents a gallon. Now we're hovering at nearly $5.00 a gallon. So when gas was $3.65 over the river in SC, there was quite a run on the stations. I was one of the runners. Long lines of cars circled the station on all sides. It was a traffic nightmare. Now..all of us need gas, that's why we're there and yet one older woman was very sure she was the most important person there. She pulled in front of me, grill to grill, trying to get out of the station. Insisting that I back my car up to let her out, she laid on the horn. I was willing to comply with her insistance, but apparently I wasn't moving fast enough because even while I was backing up, she continued to bear down on the horn until I was able to move my car enough to satisfy the immense space that she needed to pull her large SUV through. The thought crossed my mind to actually get out of the car and tell that woman what I thought. And yet, the fact that I'm carrying around my child actually made me stop and think a minute....exactly what good would that do?

Today the depravity of human kind raised its ugly head again as a tenant was rude to me for no apparent reason other than the fact that I'd asked him to not litter cigarette butts on the lawn of one of my properties. There were literally 200 butts in my flower beds and in the grass. And yet, the mere suggestion that he take responsibility for his actions was absurd.to him. Again, although I really wanted to cuss him out and tell him how disrespectful he was being to someone who has never been disrespectful to him, I refrained and took the high road..and said nothing.

The day is coming, when I will not be able to restrain myself in these situations and that's scary. And yet, the economy is in turmoil, job loss is at an all time high, everything from a gallon of milk to insurance premiums has skyrocketed to the point where basic living is stretching the common man to the brink. So it does not surprise me that the world is getting meaner by the day....and I along with it.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

People are just rude. They were rude before the economy went to he**, and they'll be rude after it all calms back down. The majority of people just don't want to take responsibility for their actions, which makes it harder for those that do. It's a tough world for our kids to grow up in. I just hope it gets better and not worse.