Thursday, June 11, 2009

Land of duh

I have the best blogger subjects in my head while I'm driving around town. I can think of some amazing topics when I'm falling asleep. But when I actually find the time to sit down...nothing. So I'm going to post pictures of Addison. Over the last couple of months, she has learned a few tricks. She clapped, she shook her head "no", she said mama, she puts on a surprise face for fun. She did them all - separately. The week she said mama, she didn't clap and the surprise face happened without her shaking her head. This week however, she has pulled out all the stops and spends her days entertaining whoever will watch with her rotation of skills. Here's some pics.
This just captures how amazingly sweet my baby is.

Addison trying to stand up.
Her surprised face!

G-ma asleep...and Addison asleep. Together.

Daddy and Addison snuggled in the recliner.

Another surprised face (we get a lot of these).

Petting Smokey the cat for the first time (cat's choice of course).


Lara said...

She is adorable!!! I love pictures of babies and daddies asleep together :)

Jessica C Villemain said...

she is gorgeous..just like YOU! I LOVE her BLUE eyes. I am so happy for you angela. Isn't amazing how much of a blessing the Lord has given you in your sweet baby?