Saturday, May 3, 2014

Today I fell in love

Pregnancy. What a process.
It pushes your body to the very edge of what its capable of while still demanding that it function for everyday life. So, it's no wonder that time you see that blip on the screen or even hear the heartbeat, you don't immediately feel what you're supposed to feel as a mother. It's drudgery and survival and lots of pain (at least with my twins). Its the happiest time of your life during which it is hard most times to be happy.
But this morning, at 4 a.m., I woke up. It's an every morning occurrence nowadays. However, not every morning is EVERYONE awake at that hour. I'm not talking Michael or Addison...I'm talking everyone in my body. My barely noticeable flutters have turned into jabs and barrel rolls. Not yet painful, I woke up to this circus going on in my belly...and I the myself. No one gets to feel this but me. No one will ever be as close to these children as I am at this moment. And as I imagined the somersaults they were performing, I loved them. It's reminiscent of the Grinch growing a heart, although I'd like to think I haven't been the pregnancy Grinch per se.
At that moment, I became one with my children and I loved them. As tears fall now, I think about those tiny people who will depend on me, love me, make me laugh and make me angry and already I know they've not only grown my heart, but stolen it. Today I fell in love with my twin boys. The newest men in my life will be here in no time at all and I cannot wait.

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