Saturday, December 27, 2008

First set of shots

Last Tuesday, we went back to the Dr. to get our first shots. Addison has grown exponentially in this last month and now weighs 11lbs 11oz., and is 23 1/2" long. She is in the 75th percentile of her age group in both categories meaning she weighs more and is taller than 75% of the girls her age. I like to look at that as my girl being above average.
In addition to the check-up, we had to get our shots. Oh what a torcher it is for the mother to have to sit there and watch that happen. I swear to you the needle was as long as my finger! Yes - I cried. I think I cried more than she did. But Addison? She was indeed a trooper. A short burst of tears and then - she was content...just like she always is. A really happy baby.

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