Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hello self!

Addison has found herself this week. She will smile continuously at the baby in the mirror. On one occassion I had her standing on my dresser so she could look in the mirror at herself. She was wearing her cutesy little ducky robe and it was a photo opportunity of a lifetime....until Addison decided to pee all over my dresser. It was my fault for leaving her diaper off too long...lesson learned.
Earlier this week, she started SUCKING HER THUMB. I thought when she wouldn't take a pacifier anymore, we were in the clear. I was oh so wrong - thumbs apparently taste better than pacifiers.
Tonight she found her feet. Once she did, it was all she could do to hang on to them...a task that would be a lot easier if it werent' for that round little belly of hers getting in the way.
I just thought it was cool that she focused on grabbing something and actually got what it was she went after, toes or not.
My girl is eating rice and oatmeal cereal these days. In another week we will venture out to the vegetable family. That should be fun. I like the cereals because they're easy to clean up and have virtually no color. She gets it everywhere!

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