Thursday, March 13, 2014

Badump, Badump, Badump

I lie here at night, kept awake by my heartbeat. It's loud and strong and I can literally feel my blood pulsing from my heart to my womb. I've been wanting to post, but was waiting for something great to inspire me. It just isn't happening. Although the nausea has stopped, it has been replaced by a whole host of other things. Yes. I'm complaining. Let's just all get over that.
At 18 weeks, the stretching is vehemently tormenting my belly. I'm not sure if I am stretching faster than with one or if everything just grew together since then...but it is not fun. Contrary to what "They" say about the second trimester, I do not have energy. I am good for about 4 hours a the middle...and then, I just want to lie down. Luckily Michael has been very understanding and has taken Addison to school most mornings. He doesn't argue when I say I need to go home and rest. He is actually OK with me working part-time at the office. Granted, I answer a lot of phone calls from the girls, but I literally can only sit for about 2 hours. I prefer flat-out horizontal which is cutting down on TV, movies, going out, etc. It is what it is I guess. Constant cramps down low and stretching tightness in the middle and on the sides.
One thing I didn't consider is how 2 kids inside my body would affect my ability to eat. I can only put away a fraction of a meal and they're only 5.5 inches long. I may just starve to death by the time they are born...although I wouldn't know it because I'm never hungry anymore. Craziness. It's like a gastric bypass without the surgery...just crowd your stomach with kids and it'll do the same thing.
The most unnerving thing right now is the fact that I want to see them! It has been entirely too long since I've gotten a glimpse. I've not even seen them moving yet. On March 18th, we will try and find out what the genders are and I cannot wait.
I have more decorating to do and preparation if I need boy things.
We did the great American room swap already for Addison and she is tucked neatly in the back in the big girl bed. The crib is up in the middle room, but I still have to de-dustify all the crap in the attic. Why do little people require so many things!!!!???
I still have to finish decorating Addison's room, wash a multitude of carriers and covers and cushions...and all with waining energy levels. I will do what I can and the rest I will rely on begging and pleading of my friends and family. I have no other choice.
Lastly, I feel like I weigh a ton. Last scale reading only said 7lbs up...that's it. But I am convinced that these children are made of lead as gravity grabs hold every time I stand up or roll over.
I am eagerly awaiting the good things, the news that they are OK, seeing them dancing on the ultrasound screen, the kicks and movements, the body part identification game as some part of them sticks oddly out of my side. I am ready for July/August.....already. It's gonna be a long 5 months.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi there! I'm Heather and I wanted to know if you could answer a question regarding your blog! If you could email me back that would be great!