Monday, April 28, 2008

Babies in the nursery

It is a fact that I must deal with at this point and time, that I cannot decorate the nursery until I know what we're having. I don't like this restriction. My creative juices have been flowing for a while and I'm dying to put them to work. However, over the weekend I discovered something...rather some things living in my attic. Apparently the squirrels have chewed a hole in my gable and with it being spring, a nest full of newborn baby birds now reside...right above the nursery-to-be. At least it was a fitting spot, I thought. So in my decorating I plan to includes a rendering of my baby birds..the first babies to grace the nursery with their presence.

1 comment:

southernjoy said...

{s}'s nursery was bluebirds... and it was adorable!

Have you considered (gasp!!) not finding out the sex? We found out with {p} but not with {s} - and I absolutely LOVED not knowing.