Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Ok...everyone. Has anyone experienced very strong anxiety during pregnancy? I wake up at 4 a.m. in the mornings and lay there worrying. I get so burdoned with future problems and what -ifs that it's almost crippling at times. I read that pregnancy can cause this mental stress, but gee whiz. There are some times when I try and calm myself down...try and be reasonable, but I do not think that I have the ability to be reasonable these days. Plus, it just doesn't work..trying to calm down. I get in a tizzy way too often. :(


Mullismayhem said...

Hey Angela,
Sorry we had to cancel because of my schedule. Looking forward to getting together soon.
I'm sorry that I don't remember high anxiety during pregnancy, maybe because it has been such a long time ago. Hang in there. Praying for you,

southernjoy said...

Welcome to motherhood. Seriously. You will now always, always, always find something to be anxious about. With some people it is obviously worse than others. I am one of the "worse" ones. I started having panic attacks when {p} was almost 2. They got a lot better until I was pg with {s}. I do think hormones can make anxiety worse.