Thursday, March 17, 2011

Is it Thursday?

This week has been a blur. I've managed to fit a lot in this month and if all goes well, it will probably be the most productive month of my life. After 2 months of broker classes, 6.5 hours of straight studying and 3 hours taking the exam, I passed the class exam tonight with an 87. Tuesday is my tax appointment so tomorrow starts the dash for tax preparation. That, along with the embryo transfer, will make for a super duper mega productive month.....if it all works.
I'm worried that my babies didn't take. I hate not knowing. I hate not being able to tell if they've held on or if they're gone. I'm tempted to take a pregnancy test, but I feel like that's cheating for some reason. That and I secretly brace myself for the worst. Can you strike gold twice? In some respects I feel like I'm asking God too much for a second go at motherhood. But He did take my other embryos home and He did leave me with just 2 viable ones to implant. Two is all they wanted...all they needed to give me a really good chance. Now to live till the 25th.

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