Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Trip to the Dentist

We may have been a little late on the dental visit, but I wanted to wait until Addison had an understanding of what was happening in hopes she would be less traumatized.
After talking about it for weeks, she excitedly went to the dentist today to get "pink sparkles" on her teeth.
I went first so she could see what was happening. I laughed as much as possible with instruments and suction and my mouth wide open while she peered so closely into the depths of my molars that the hygienist was uncomfortable.
This was before. The during was a little rough. I had to help the hygienist by holding her down in the chair and holding her mouth open. It sounds worse than it was, but she gets that way; goes all the way up stairs to the slide only to shimmy back down after she chickens out. In the end, she did well and her teeth looked amazing. She also was given a Belle toothbrush and was able to pick a toy out of the treasure chest.
I didn't realize until tonight that with all the excitement, the dentist forgot to give ME a new toothbrush.

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