Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fruit Basket

Every Saturday I pick up my phone time I wake up so I can see what developments are happening in my womb this week. Seems a little off that I have to refer to a web page for what's going on inside my own body, but alas I'd never have a clue if it weren't for all of these helpful web pages. So, today, I'm home to 2 kiwi. Last week it was limes. The week before they were prunes. I am just an ever changing fruit basket.
For those women out there who love pregnancy...more power to you. Personally, it's a pretty miserable time from constant sinus issues to problems with nausea and digestion and heartburn. Ugh. And now we've started the hormone headaches. It's just no fun. I live for visits to the doctor where I might hear or see my little ones.
But, we endure because - well, at this point we have to. :) That sounds bad but, if most women knew what they were really in for, they may not choose to have children. And I am totally confident that if child bearing were up to men - the human race would cease to exist.
OK, enough of my whining.
My kiwi's and I will endure one more week and finish out this first trimester where hopefully some of these symptoms will disappear.

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