Monday, January 14, 2008

The first shot is the deepest

We're starting this journey...down the road of fertility. We're really and truly beginning to make progress. The feeling of knowing you're starting in on uncharted territory is exciting and terrifying. Today was shot #1 of what I predict will be and unbelievable journey of hormones. Poor Michael. I had to have a friend help me with my first one. Just something about shoving a needle in your own skin. I applaud all the diabetics of the world. It's a small needle thankfully. But the Lupron burns for a while. I kept finding myself rubbing the the spot for an hour after the shot was given. A while after I took the shot there was a feeling of lightheadedness and the room began to spin. Note to breakfast even when taking shots. I'm drained today...totally drained of all energy. I don't know if it's related. The end of the week should begin to paint a better picture.


southernjoy said...

Hi there, friend! You are most certainly in my prayers, and I'll definitely keep up with you. Thanks for sharing your blog!

Lara said...

I'll be praying for you too and I'm so glad you started a blog so that bad friends who live far far away can keep up with you! I love you!