Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 5..Meltdown

Today, I lost my mind. I'm not talking the friendly..oh she's crazy or the passive, look at that crazy girl. No, I lost my mind to the point that literally furniture was flying. Everything set me off on level 10 when the situation called for a 2. I was soooo ANGRY. I cursed at employees, threw things, the works...and then ended up in a crying heap. This happened no less than 4 times today. It's to the point where I cannot see out of my contacts from all the hours of protein build up. And one would think that I could see what I was doing and stop my reactions. I did see what I was doing..but I didn't care about the reactions at that point. Michael threatened to send me home from work if I didn't control myself. I thought about calling my nurse to ask her if this was normal. I had turned into Mrs. Hyde. But at about 3 p.m., I was able to calm down and stop the incessant sobbing. I am hoping that is not a usual occurrence. On day one I said that we'd be able to tell more about the effects of the meds by the end of the week. Unfortunately I was right.

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